
From a sheet metal welder to a foreman

Henri Siimes, not yet thirty, is already an experienced Stairon employee despite his young age. After working for six years as a sheet metal welder, Siimes was inspired to continue his studies. Now, after three years of studying mechanical engineering, he has returned to Stairon in the role of a foreman.

Henri Siimes started at Stairon first in summer jobs and then in a permanent job as a sheet metal welder. The first six years went smoothly, working. Siimes estimates that he has done almost everything possible over the years: component manufacturing, paper dryers, and working in the assembly phase.
-It’s been good to be a sheet metal welder here, he praises.

A nice extra spice to everyday life was provided by gig jobs, which have been both at home and abroad.
-The 2020 environmental directive required that large luxury cruise ships needed to install flue gas scrubbers. It was a new issue that required a lot of knowledge and skills. There weren’t many people in the world dedicated to the task, but we found them from Finland. Gigs on cruise ships were a memorable experience, Siimes says.

According to him, the best thing about the job is definitely a good and precise, really competent work team.
-It has been a privilege to belong to this team where I have been able to learn from others. Teamwork is very rewarding – there is good discussion, problem solving and you get to implement your own thoughts and ideas, he lists.

Back to school

Interest in continuing studies arose little by little. Siimes says that when he was younger, he did not have any special dreams about working life. However, through experience and age, his own interests and strengths began to outline more clearly.

-When you have already done all kinds of things, at some point the feeling came to think about how these things could be done better and more efficiently. And what all options new technology and new advanced measures offer, which could also be implemented with us. Siimes noticed wondering if he could be the kind of person who could bring new practices to the company himself.
-From that was born the desire to continue studying, this time on the university of applied sciences side.

He praises Stairon, which came very well to meet the study plans of an employee “at this late age”.
-It’s very motivating when you find the next step in your career. It’s great how Stairon has received the news and reacted positively, he thanks.

Siimes’s free time is largely spent in sports and seasonal sports. Winter sports include cross-country skiing and ice hockey, and in the summer he particularly enjoys running.
-Good basic fitness helps the head and body to function, he mentions.

Through education to a new role as a foreman

For the last three years, Siimes studied full-time and acted as a substitute for management in the summers. Corona-time largely independent distance learning suited him well. Now he is just about to become a mechanical engineering engineer (BEng). He started permanently as a foreman in December 2022.

Studies in mechanical engineering have opened up new perspectives for Siimes also to his new role.
-Perhaps the most surprising thing was to notice how much projects need to be studied in advance and make plans. There are many different things to consider, and planning work stages and especially difficult work stages takes a lot of time. At the same time, you have to anticipate possible changes and delays and their impact on production, because changes always come. It is essential to note how production can be flexible so that work can still be done sensibly, he describes.

-At the moment, I would like to understand the overall picture of the order-delivery chain, that is, what all it involves, and what all stages it includes, what tools are needed and how they can be controlled, he says.

-My aim is to constantly learn more and accumulate new experience.

Why work at Stairon?

Siimes has a clear answer to what makes Stairon a good workplace.
-Here we have good working conditions and competent colleagues at every level. We also have our own gym which makes it easier to take care of your own fitness, as you don’t have to go to a separate gym.
-My own feeling is that the work here is very varied. There aren’t many similar days, he estimates.

After a workday, it’s easy to do a gym workout at Stairon’s own gym.
While a good work vibe includes appropriate humor, Siimes describes the work culture as considerate and supportive of others.
-In addition, on every front we strive to evolve and develop things and take a stand on various issues where problems have been noticed.

Siimes also praises Stairon’s coaching management culture.
-It’s important to build a culture where no one is left alone, but individuals are still given the opportunity to try and sometimes make mistakes, and dare to challenge old practices.

When ideas are not immediately shot down, then we dare to suggest, do, try and attempt. I hope that the culture will remain like this in the future as well, he says.